Welcome! Questions or Comments? Email me jenssweettemptations@gmail.com



Loads of kits have now been retired!
They can be purchased for $1 each or 6 for $5 Please email me at jenssweettemptations@gmail.com with your choices and i'll send you info on purchasing through paypal!

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Northpole Adventure - PTU

 10 Papers
89 Elements
Take a little vacay to see where Christmas is around every corner!  What surprises can
you find at the Northpole?



Holly Days - PTU

Holly Dayz
10 Papers
105 Elements
Holly dayz are upon us!  This kit helps bring the big day in.




Santa Approved - FTU

 Train Headquaters - http://thetaggerslounge.blogspot.com/
Shelly - https://designzbyshellywooodruffcombsdesignz.blogspot.com/
Jen - http://jenssweettemptations.blogspot.com/
Rhonda - https://rhondasrockindesignz.blogspot.com/
Anorie - https://anorie.blogspot.com/
Lavada - http://thetaggerslounge.blogspot.com/


Come join our forum for more fun all year round 




Sunday, December 3, 2023

Sweet Peppermint - PTU

 Sweet Peppermint
10 Papers
103 Elements
Peppermint at Christmas time is a tradition!  This kit is packed with all the
good stuff.



Sweet Gingerbread - PTU

 13 Papers
94 Elements
Join the cooking crew this Christmas for some fun with the gingerbread man!


Friday, November 24, 2023

Christmas Gift Revamp - FTU

 Christmas Gift Revamp

8 Papers
81 Elements
Past store collab that is been revamped and now a freebie for you to enjoy!
Thanks for supporting me all this time




Angels on high - PTU and Gnome for the holidays - PTU

 Angels on high

10 Papers
85 Elements
Angels for the holiday season.  
Gnome for the holidays

10 Papers
100 Elements
Who doesn't love those cute little gnomes?  Hope you are chilling with your gnomies
this Christmas season!



Saturday, November 11, 2023

Turkey Day - PTU

 10 Papers
67 Elements
Come join this feast for Thanksgiving!  Perfect kit for fall/autumn and Thanksgiving.

Also 1.50 sale - stock up while you can~



Saturday, November 4, 2023

Sunflower Power - PTU

 Sunflower Power

Now in stores


10 Papers
96 Elements
A walk this fall through the sunflowers. 

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Tricky Street - PTU

 8 Papers
89 Elements
Trick or Treating is always fun down on Tricky Street.
Take a walk with me if you are not scared!


Find it in my store HERE



Saturday, October 14, 2023


 Freebies are available in my store


Bone Head - PTU

 10 Papers
80 Elements
Scary spooky skelton...or bone head.  This kit is packed with fun Halloween items
for making awesome tags!


 Visit My store HERE

Lil Spooks Cafe - PTU

 10 Papers
127 Elements
Candy, cookies, spooooky cakes! Its all that fun of Halloween packed in this kit.
Join them in the sweet cafe if your not to scared.


 Visit my store HERE

Batty For You - PTU

 10 Papers
78 Elements
Spooky time is here! Don't miss your chance to go batty with this kit.


VISIT my store HERE

His Fall - PTU

 His Fall
8 Papers
81 Elements
Fall camping, wildlife hunting, hikes..this kit includes all that for the perfect
autumn tag for him...or her!


 Visit my store HERE

Her Fall - PTU

 Her Fall
10 Papers
71 Elements
Light colors for the start of Autumn.  This kit is perfect for fall themed tags with
a girly touch.


Visit my store HERE

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Changes - PTU


8 Papers
67 Elements
Apples, leaves and our favorite pumpkin patch!!  Fall is coming.



Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Autumn Blast - PTU

 Autumn Blast
10 Papers
70 Elements
Jump in the leaves - its almost time for the autumn air to come in.


 Find this in my store!


Fall Gathering - PTU

 Fall Gathering
8 Papers
91 Elements
Fall will be in full swing soon!  Perfect kit for the autumn season.


 Visit my new store to grab some goodies!




Saturday, July 15, 2023

New kits in store!

Visit me now at



Vacay On the way
10 Papers
85 Elements
Its that time of year to take off and enjoy some R&R.
This kit takes us to that tropical getaway with Spot.
Contains AI elements ©Catty Creations


Summer Starry Night
10 Papers
78 Elements
Drinks, fun, and the excitement that comes after sunset in summer.


In The Strawberry Patch
7 Papers
84 Elements
Nothing like the delicious taste of a sweet strawberry.  Join us over
in the patch with this tagging kit!
Contains AI Elements


My July
10 Papers
68 Elements
Even though its almost over we can love July at any time!  Fresh summer air
and lots of fun packed in this kit.
Contains AI Elements

Monday, June 26, 2023

 Rocket Party
10 Papers
103 Elements
This July take a ride on a rocket...or just enjoy some fireworks!


Find this at my store


Sun Heat and Fun - PTU

 Sun Heat and Fun
10 Papers
90 Elements
Take a trip down to the beach for a great day of Sun, Heat and fun this summer!


 You can find this kit at my personal store

