Welcome! Questions or Comments? Email me jenssweettemptations@gmail.com



Loads of kits have now been retired!
They can be purchased for $1 each or 6 for $5 Please email me at jenssweettemptations@gmail.com with your choices and i'll send you info on purchasing through paypal!

Monday, July 18, 2011

New PTU tut on my blog...
find it here

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Its my party and you get the gifts!!

Birthday sale now on!
$1 on MOST ALL items.
Spend $10 at any store and fw the info to me, i'll send you 2 bundles of your choice
Help me party right into my birthday....
Now who is bringing the cake!? ;)

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Celebration / Spring Blooms - PTU

2 new kits in stores now!

Grab them today up to 50% off!!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Land That I love / Citrus Rush - FTU

Time for some Blog Trains....

Click title or image to go to download :)

Sweet Creations Blog Train

Find more
The goodie train

Want more?
