Welcome! Questions or Comments? Email me jenssweettemptations@gmail.com



Loads of kits have now been retired!
They can be purchased for $1 each or 6 for $5 Please email me at jenssweettemptations@gmail.com with your choices and i'll send you info on purchasing through paypal!

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Mad Science - PTU

Mad Science
104 Elements
9 Papers
Something creept is happening this Halloween!
Kit is perfect for you tagging creations.

Find it in my stores!

Monday, October 7, 2019

Wicked Nights - FTU

Welcome to The Taggers Lounge Annual Blog Train!
This year we present
"Wicked Nights"
Make sure you stop by all the amazing designers blogs and grab your goodies.
Don't forget to say thanks!

You are also invited to join The Taggers Lounge.
We accept new members every day - lots of challenges and games with prizes.
Exclusive items in our shoppe from tubes to kits.

Stops can be found here
Brandis Baubles
Pammers Passions
Jens Sweet Temptations
Rhonda's Rockin Designz
Kathys PSP Designs
Tags By Tika
My tagging addiction
Sonja's sazzy world
Myztic Deisgnz
Sylly Creationz/a>

My Part can be found here

